How Long Does It Take For Testosterone To Work?

It will take 3-6 weeks for a TRT patient to begin to notice positive effects from their testosterone injections. However, the time it takes for testosterone to “work” or alleviate symptoms of Low T ranges from person to person and depends on the desired effect. 

If you are interested in learning more about our in our online TRT options, click here. For in-person solutions, click here.

Increased Energy And Libido: 3-6 Weeks 

The first and most desired effects of TRT are an increase in energy and libido. This will take on average 3-6 weeks to take effect as the testosterone will take time to reach higher serum concentrations in your blood. 

The speed at which you notice these effects depends on dosage, initial testosterone levels, and your genetics. 

Improved Mood: Immediate – 6 Weeks. 

Often, patients’ moods improve drastically after just the first application of TRT. This has less to do with the testosterone taking effect and more to do with the fact that they are taking a step in the right direction to address the symptoms of low testosterone. 

As the weeks progress and the testosterone starts to make material changes to your hormonal profile, patients will experience increased energy, improved sex drive, improved sleep, appetite, and many more positive effects. 

Muscle Mass & Athletic Performance: 3-4 Months. 

For improvements in body composition and athletic performance, patients can expect to see marked results at the 3-4 month mark. At this point, you will have achieved higher serum testosterone levels and will start to benefit greatly. 

The initial increases in energy and improved mood will mean patients have greater drive to eat a healthy and balanced diet, hit the gym at a more frequent basis and prioritize their overall health.

However, it should be noted that increases in muscle mass and fat loss will only occur if the patient takes the right steps concerning their diet and exercise. 

TRT makes it easier to take these steps, but if a patient ignores these aspects, they will see very little change in terms of body composition and athletic performance. 

Improved Erections and Ejaculation: Up to 6 Months or Not At All

The effects of TRT on erections is still being studied but the most up to date literature shows that TRT by itself may not help at all with improving erections. 

A comprehensive study on the matter showed that while TRT was associated with “significantly greater improvement in sexual activity than placebo” TRT did not improve erectile function when compared with placebo.

This means that TRT alone may not be effective in treating erectile dysfunction and that the usage of a PDE5 inhibitor like Cialis or Viagra should be included in your regime if you suffer from ED. 

Insulin Sensitivity: Immediate – 12 Months

According to research, “Insulin sensitivity may improve within few days, but effects on glycemic control become evident only after 3–12 months”. This means that for those suffering from poor insulin sensitivity may find that TRT will help improve their sensitivity issues and lead to more significant insulin response the longer they remain on TRT.

Improved Bone Density: 6 Months

For those suffering from osteoporosis, TRT can help improve bone density, leading to stronger, healthier bones. 

A study from The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, showed that during the first year of TRT patients experienced significant improvement in BMD (Bone Mineral Density)


The timeline for patients to notice the effects of TRT depends on what effects the patient is looking for, dose and genetics. For most patients, they will notice marked quality of life improvements within the first month of starting TRT.

It should also be noted that the positive effects of TRT hang significantly on the lifestyle decisions of patients. If you start TRT but continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle: smoking, drinking, eating junk food, poor sleep habits, etc, the results you will obtain from TRT will be far reduced compared to a patient who takes steps to improve these aspects of their life. 

If you’re ready to get started with TRT, reach out to Empower Men’s Health Clinic today!

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